When one steps into the pickleball facilities, they immediately experience a rush of emotions. Ranging from lighthearted fun to extreme focus, it is clear that this new sport has taken the world by storm.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and around the world. Pickleball started out as a sport that people played for fun in their yard, but has now evolved into an activity that brings people of all ages and athletic abilities together.
Pickleball was founded in the summer of 1965 by three friends named Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum. The three pals were trying to find new ways to entertain their children during the hot summer days. They started out by using ping pong paddles and a perforated plastic ball while using a lowered badminton net in order to make their idea of a new sport come to life.
The Village of Washingtonville noticed the demand for this fast growing sport and wanted to get involved right away. Mayor Tom Devinko heard the people of Washingtonville and immediately started a plan to build public courts in the village. The new courts were ready to be played by the spring of 2024. As soon as the courts opened, they were packed with eager people who wanted to try out a new sport. Players arrived starting early in the morning to battle their family and friends to create a friendly competition.
The addition of the courts was the topic of the summer. Players of all ages came together in a way that has never been done before. “Adding the pickleball courts to the town really brought the town together. Players of all ages came together to share their similar interest in pickleball, which would've never come about until they were added,” exclaimed Washingtonville High School student pickleballer, Ashley Andrews. Since the Covid 19 outbreak, it has been hard for young kids to get out of the house and meet new people and learn how to socialize with them, so the addition of the courts has allowed them to grow their social skills.
It has been found that pickleball provides people with a great source of cardiovascular exercise as well as mobility and agility exercise. Not only does pickleball allow people to burn off some calories, it also creates a space for friends to come together outside of their school lives. “My friends really influenced me to start playing pickleball. I found that it was a nice way to get together with my friends more often while also benefiting my health and well being,” added local pickleballer, Natalie Morello.
Join in on this fun and competitive sport by heading to Vern Allen Park. The courts are open daily to Washingtonville residents from 8 am to dusk.
